Dear *Winner*,
(RJ may call you a "loser", but that's not my gig)
In all the time I've worked with RJ, the one guy
he's never had a harsh thing to say about is
a man named John Reese.
"This guy knows how to *suck* traffic to websites
plain and simple."
Just recently, I had the pleasure of visiting John in his home in
Florida. He could not have been a better host.
First of all the guy lives in a palace. No joke.
He's got:
-a private movie theater with big comfortable seats
that actually move with the sound of the film you
are watching (search google for "D-BOX Motion Code")
-a Lamborghini in his garage and several
other sweet vehicles (RJ would be proud).
-Classic coin operated video games to play as much as
you want.
-and priceless movie memorabilia on his walls. He's got the actual
gun that Al Pacino ran across the street with in Scarface after his
friend's arms were cut off by the chainsaw (don't remember that
scene? Rent the movie immediately - Al Pacino at his best). And
John acquired the sword that Johnny Depp used in the first Pirates
of the Caribbean movie. Wonder what that cost him?
That couldn't have been cheap.
Totally awesome!
There's no doubt that John has made a fortune online over the past
15 years. He lives VERY comfortably and he deserves it.
Why does he deserve it?
Simply put, the man works harder than anyone I've ever seen.
The best part of my visit with him was that I got to see him in action.
He's got these dry erase boards that cover an entire room. Picture
wallpaper, and they replace the wallpaper with dry erase material.
John filled the walls with his ideas right before my eyes.
Picture that scene in "A Beautiful Mind" where Russell Crowe covers
his walls frantically with notes and random newspaper clippings highlighted
and circled.
If you didn't know John, you'd probably think he was a little crazy.
Fortunately for our sake...CRAZY BRILLIANT.
We literally sat in his private office for hours upon hours talking about
traffic generation strategies for information publishers, adsense sites,
blogs, and brick and mortar businesses.
My head was spinning.
I wish you could have been there.
Fast forward to today...
In a few minutes from now, John is going to release a complete traffic
system that he's been working on for....drum roll please...4 years!
A lot of what he shared with me those two days, is in his new *Traffic Secrets 2*
volume. I've already reserved my copy.
I've gone through his original course like a dozen times by now and it
sits pristinely on my office bookshelf.
This bookshelf is reserved for courses I have learned a ton from.
And I'm sure they'll be some MEGA ideas in the his next volume being
released today.
Should you decide to pick yourself up a copy, I'd like to offer you one
of the traffic ideas I dreamed up a short while ago.
I call it the "Blogs To Millions Technique." Very few people have ever heard
about how it works.
It's a little sneaky, but for people who are serious about getting a bunch
of free traffic, it could be worth checking out.
I have the original videos I created to give to a team on elance to execute.
If you would like my original videos, just purchase John's course today (I'll put them online for you to privately view in the next few days):
Step #1:
Go and purchase John's Traffic System.
Check out how he's packaged it here. Very cool. No more loose DVDs.
Step #2:
Email your receipt to RJ's support manager Wayne at:
Make sure you put in the subject line:
"TS2, MagicRyan's bonus"
Step #3:
While you're waiting to get set up, go and buy the new iphone and start
using Evernote (-><-). You'll thank me. I've been waiting for software like this for like 10 years. It will instantly make your life sooooooo much easier.
By now you realize I'm a big fan of John's. I think you'll be hard pressed
to find anyone out there that isn't. He's the real deal.
Whether you buy his system today or not, you'll benefit from knowing this guy.
Check out his blog anytime at
Yours for magical profits ;-),
P.S. Here's where you'll find John:
John's Secret Hideout
Brevity Inc
5205 Avenida Encinas, Ste I
Carlsbad, CA 92008
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