Yesterday, while I was out on my yacht, I began to think of all
the reasons why I'm the man, and why you suck.
I thought about how I make millions of dollars doing hardly
anything... while you work your ass off for peanuts.
Let's face it: With all the opportunities on the Internet to make
a FORTUNE, the fact that you're not rich means you're pathetic.
Here are 7 reasons why you probably suck at making money on the internet:
Reason 1: You don't take action.
If you're like most people, you spend all your time on stuff that's
NOT IMPORTANT, and never focus on the things that will
You're too busy procrastinating, coming up with excuses, or
watching "American Idol" reruns while eating your frozen TV
It's sad, really.
One of the reasons I'm rich and you're not is because I don't
put up with any BS. I take action and get things done. And
then I cruise around in my Ferrari.
Reason 2: You don't understand marketing.
You can make millions of dollars online without ever "selling"
anything. But you still need to understand certain principles
of marketing.
You need to understand the secrets for getting people to
reach into their wallets, take out their money, and hand it
over to you.
If you don't learn this skill, you'll be cutting out coupons
and shopping at Wal-Mart for the rest of your miserable life.
For my websites that have made me millions of dollars,
I've always used a simple, 5-step marketing approach. This
formula works like crazy EVERY SINGLE TIME. And it's
very easy to use.
Lucky for you, I reveal this 5-step "magic formula" in my
Rich Jerk eBook.
If you haven't bought my eBook yet, scroll back up and
re-read the first reason why I'm better than you. Then
click this link and download my eBook today:
Rich Jerk eBook
Reason 3: You don't have the resources.
There's an old saying that "It takes money to make money."
When it comes to getting rich online, that saying is complete
bulls**t. You don't need inventory, you don't need expensive
overhead, and you don't need an office. Because all you're
really doing is selling "air".
But even though you don't need money to make it, you do
need certain "resources". You need to know WHERE TO
GO and WHO TO USE for your various business needs.
For example, do you know where to go to instantly get
incoming links with high page ranks?
Do you know which pay-per-click websites (besides Google
and Overture) you can use to get qualified visitors for cheap?
Do you know which software to use to automate your business?
It takes awhile to figure this stuff out... unless you can find
someone who has ALREADY figured it out.
And that someone is me. Even though I'm a jerk, I'll show
you all the EXACT RESOURCES I use on my websites that
make me millions of dollars.
It's all in my eBook. Just go here:
Rich Jerk eBook
Reason 4: This is your first time.
Have you ever made more than a million dollars with one
I didn't think so.
What they say is true: The first million is always the hardest
to make. But now that I've done this several times, it's so
easy for me to make millions that it's actually disgusting.
That's OK, though. I was thinking of getting a new jet anyway.
Reason 5: You buy into B.S.
Ever seen those "mega" how-to courses with all the shiny
DVDs, workbooks, audio CDs, and all that other crap?
It's all junk!
Don't waste your time with it. Making money online isn't so
hard that you need to listen to some boring loser ramble on
about it for 50 hours.
Wouldn't you rather be able to sit down, quickly get all the
strategies and techniques you need, and then start making
That's what I thought.
And that's why my eBook cuts to the chase. I don't waste
your time with anything that won't quickly increase your
bottom line. Period.
Reason 6: You don't know the shortcuts.
The nice thing about the Internet is there are so many
SHORTCUTS you can use to make money. For instance,
here are some of the tricks you'll learn in my eBook:
# How to make money from the FREE website I'm going to give you.
# How to make a killing even if you have no website, and no clue
how to make one.
# How to use Google Adwords to advertise your free website.
# How to use Google Adsense to make even more money from your
free website.
# How to build your own list of email subscribers - and how to send
them other offers that earn you money automatically.
# How I had the # 1 ranking website in Google for 3 years, for terms
such as "bad credit", "bad credit loans", and more. Over 100 million
competitors couldn't beat me - Even the big lending companies.
# How to create your own ebook in just 2 days - with ZERO costs.
And how to sell it online.
# How to get affiliates to promote your ebook.
# How to create your own eBay Powerseller business.
# Examples of my current and former websites that have made me millions.
Copy them if you want to, I don't care.
Once you learn this stuff, making money online is about as difficult
as taking a test with the answer key in front of you.
Of course, I'm sure you'll still find a way to screw it up.
Reason 7: You don't listen to good advice.
I've made millions of dollars online.
Don't believe me? You can see proof on my website here:
Rich Jerk Proof
If you think someone else can do a better job of showing you
how to make money on the Internet, then I suggest you put
down the crack pipe. Because I'm the man.
My eBook is the most practical, no-nonsense guide to getting
rich that you'll ever see. And I'm so sure of it, I offer a 60 day
guarantee. More details are on my website.
So quit being a pathetic loser and get my eBook now:
Rich Jerk eBook
I can think of a dozen more reasons why you probably suck
at Internet marketing, but frankly I'm bored.
I think I'll go get a massage... all that typing sure was hard work.
To Being a Lazy Millionaire,
The Rich Jerk
P.S. My money-making tactics are so powerful-- and so damn
BRILLIANT-- that after you get done reading them, you'll want
to SMACK YOURSELF in the face for not getting my eBook
earlier. Please, don't resist the temptation. Go here:
Rich Jerk eBook
=Rick Jerk
Brevity Inc
5205 Avenida Encinas, Ste I
Carlsbad, CA 92008
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