You probably fall into one of the following 3 categories:
1) You bought my Rich Jerk guide and did absolutely NOTHING
with it so far.
2) You didn't buy my guide. You just visited my website, only
to leave just as poor & pathetic as you were to begin with.
3) You bought my guide, and followed my instructions step by
step, and now you are making money online doing almost NOTHING.
But you most likely fall into category 1 or 2, because like most losers
out there, you will probably NEVER make money online. And that's
because you have a LOSER mentality. You just waste everyone's time.
One or more of your excuses are probably: not enough time,
knowledge, tools, money, experience, whatever. But regardless of
your lame-sucking excuses, isn't there still something in the back
of your head that thinks it's possible?
Possible for you to ki*k your bos asz.
Possible for you to have free time.
Possible for you to have the cars ; houses that others only dream of.
Possible for you to have a bank account balance that the
teller doesn't secretly laugh at.
Don't you see all of the millionaires out there in the world?
Are they smarter or better than you? NOPE. Most of them
aren't that smart at all. (except me)
But a lot of those millionaires out there have 2 things that you don't:
1) They have a willingness to DO SOMETHING other than
constantly complaining or working some dead-end job.
2) They have a mentor. Someone to follow in the footsteps of.
I can't make you DO anything. Thats up to you. But I can show
you how to make money, step-by-step. Whether or not you listen
to me is up to you.
I actually came from nothing. My family had NO money. I recall
having a negative bank balance long ago. But I said fu*k that, and
did what I had to do, so I could get all of the money, the "relationship", the cars,
the houses. EVERYTHING.
I decided to STOP being a loser.
So what are you going to do? If you are one of the people that
doesn't just "would like some success"but desperately NEEDS it, and
you're willing to do some work for its.I've created something
specifically for you. It's designed for those who need personal,
one-on-one assistance from a genius like me.
I created the Success Team.
This is my personal group of geniuses that I talk to on a
daily basis. And now, you have access to them too.
If you qualify, I'll give you direct access to them. Phone, email,
online chat. Personal coaching on how to make money with
NO money out of your pocket.
This is for people who haven't gotten sh*t from bQQks, tapes,
seminars, or whatever. The Success Team offers you the
opportunity to have a Rich Jerk expert like me show you exactly
what you need to do.
This is NOT a charity event. I'm not going to miss a vacation
or two just to help stupid people who aren't willing to open
their eyes, dedicate some time and follow instructions. But
for those who do qualify, I will show you how to become
very successful with NO MONEY OUT OF YOUR POCKET.
You will learn the techniques of experts like me, while we
practically hold your hand. And we won't stop coaching
you until you are successful.
If you are not successful, we can't use you as a testimonial,
so you'd be no use to us. So it's to our advantage to make sure
things work out for you. It's as simple as that.
You may be saying to yourself, "Sure, I'll give it a shot."
But it doesn't work that way. I'm not doing this for just anyone.
Participation is a privilege. You need to click on the link below
and tell me why I should select you as one of the candidates
who qualify for this.
Apply to Work 1-on-1 with a Rich Jerk Expert
I don't w*nt to waste my time with a bunch of losers with
no hope. This is only for a select group of people. Those who
are motivated and willing to follow instructions without bitching
& moaning. Those who are interested in possibly hanging out
with me on the set of my next commercial as a REAL testimonial.
One of the guys I flew in for my last commercial is now
making $70,000 per month. Someone has already offered
to buy out his business for over $1 Million Dollars. And he
told them NO. Before meeting me, he only made about $40k
a year, slaving away, working UNPAID overtime at a regular job.
What if that were you?
The Success Team only has 15-20 experts, so if you are lazy,
annoying or scared, don't even bother applying. We don't wxnt
any cry-babies. We only wxnt people who are serious about
making money online.
To apply RIGHT NOW to work one-on-one with a RICH JERK expert -
click the link below and fill out the short questionnaire:
Apply to Work 1-on-1 with a Rich Jerk Expert
Later Losers,
From RickJ
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